About Or Patreanu Brokerage Firm
Industry-leading Market analysis and trading
Join Over 1.2k Happy Investors
Invest fearlessly
Or Patreanu team is dedicated to protecting your account
Or Patreanu Israel is proud to lead the revolution in the field of independent trading in the financial markets around the world! Our private and institutional clients enjoy prime brokerage services through the world’s largest online broker Interactive Brokers, winner of BARRON`S magazine as the best broker in the world for over 10 years in a row.
Save. Invest. Grow.
Zero Fees
No Minimums
Free Trades
1000's of Funds
Zero Account & Trading Fees
Through the world’s leading trading system, we will provide you with the most convenient, stable and advanced trading experience in the world. Or Patreanu clients benefit from the best tools for independent trading in the financial markets, trainings and practical courses that will take your trading skills to the next level.
Or Patreanu Broker Israel has engraved on its banner the values of reliability, professionalism and innovation, values that are the foundation stone on which all the company’s products are built. We know that in an era where trading in the capital market has become digital and fast there is no room for compromise, therefore our clients enjoy a trading portfolio with the best conditions, trading commissions that are the most attractive in the world and without associated costs.
Customer service is available to Or Patreanu Broker customers starting in the morning and throughout all trading hours in the United States – and most importantly, in your language and time.
The overall service offered by Or Patreanu Broker Israel is suitable for investors and traders, beginners and advanced alike.
We will be happy to provide you with an accurate answer to your need and advance you towards the best trading experience in the world.